Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Weekly Goals ----- Again!

Wow, hadn't realized it had been 11 days since my last, slightly depressing post. I didn't mean to let so much time go past, but I keep finding as I delve into this $20 a day game that I frequently need to think, reassess and sometimes slightly adjust my plan(s). You see, I've played around at this before, selling on Ebay, selling on Etsy, trying a blog, etc. but I truly think this is the most serious and dedicated I have been to this pursuit to date. This time I'm committed, this time I have a resolve I didn't have before, this time.... well, it just feels different. I feel different this time.

This time, before delving back into this again, I read a little on self help. Oh, laugh if you want to, but I knew that improvement was needed. One book I read, after seeing it mentioned numerous times and from different sources was, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. It's a very interesting book, it was written quite a while ago, so some things are not relevant to current times. Surprisingly though, much of it still is! Mostly it talks about the "habits" of wealthy people, one of which is that they make up their mind quickly and change it slowly. Part of my problem has always been that I've had the starting drive, but fizzled out after just a few short months. So this time I'm committed, and every time I start to feel myself slip, I just have to take a break and re-commit myself. Hence, the depressing last post, and the sometimes long gaps in my writing.

So what does any of that have to do with my weekly goals? Not a whole lot really :D I just felt that my last post perhaps needed a follow up. So, what has been accomplished since the last post? Again, not really a whole lot :/

Right after writing that post it motivated me to get my butt in gear and get some stuff done! So, off to take pictures for Ebay I went, and I got a bunch done. My plan was to sell my Ebay stuff, get the $$$ together and start focusing it more heavily on Amazon FBA, which was my plan to start with, I had just gotten a wee bit distracted by Ebay along the way. That night as I was listing items suddenly all the listings disappeared. Unsure of what happened I stopped for the night and came back in the morning. Turns out my account has been suspended. So here's a little back story:

Last fall I was selling some things on Ebay to make a little money before my second son arrived. Huge mistake on my part, I was so tired (3rd trimester) and worn out that I was behind on shipping many of my items, so I got some dings for late shipping. Then I had one customer open a bogus "item not as described" case against for a .99 pair of scrub pants, another ding. One thing I could never figure out how to ship, so I cancelled and refunded, another ding. So why is last fall affecting me now? Because ebay is changing their seller requirements and they made changes in June, so my dings from last fall just now really hurt me. So, I've been mostly dealing with this for the past week. At this point I am left with having to call ebay and try to re-instate my account that way. Wish me luck, considering I've read little positive experiences with Ebay customer service if you are a seller.

So here are my goals for this next week (or so lol)
* Talk to ebay
*Write 2 more blog posts
*Gather up items for a garage sale my Mother in Law is having.

The first goal I already explained, so we'll move to the next. While not much has happened on the ebay/FBA front, I have done a couple things to make money over the last 30 days that I feel I should write about those. One will be a Garage Sale Tips post, and the other will be on selling back your textbooks. Sometimes I get to wrapped up in ebay and amazon that I forget the other things. Lastly, my MIL is having a garage sale, and while I don't have enough alone for a garage sale, I have enough that added to what she has it'll be just fine. Make her sale look bigger, and get my stuff looked (and hopefully bought). So here's hoping for another $40 - $60. Well, that's all for now folks, until next time.

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