Friday, June 13, 2014

Keep Moving Forward, Even When I Don't Want To

So, if you've been reading the posts, you'll see that my last was over a week ago. I have not done my weekly goals, nor did I reach 75% of the ones I set for the week before. Now, I haven't been reaching my weekly goals, but I've doing better, and I've kept working along at them. So what changed the last week and a half?

I had a crappy week, personally and with sales. I found out I'm pregnant with our third child, got in a fight with a family member, barely sold anything on Ebay, had 2 people not pay (one finally did after a case was opened) and I have one return because the item was broken during shipping :/ I've also missed out on a job interview because I missed the initial call, and despite calling numerous times and leaving multiple messages the HR person would never call me back to schedule it. Today was the last day for interviews, and despite trying again today, nothing. It's very disappointing to say the least! Now, I'm not really whining, I'm just being honest, I know there are people that have had far worse weeks than I, but it does point out one of my flaws to myself.

When I get down, or discouraged, I just become overwhelmed and I find it hard to keep moving forward. My motivation just goes down the toilet. I've already mentioned I'm not the greatest at keeping myself to task, and things like this just make me worse. I realize however, that this is not the way to succeed. That the winners of our society have one common trait, and that is they keep moving forward, especially when it gets rough.

So, I need to keep telling myself, just keep moving forward. Like a mantra, I'm going to keep this in my going in my head. Over and over, especially when I feel whiny and don't want to do anything. Especially when it feels like it's accomplishing nothing. Because the truth is that doing nothing is not accomplishing anything, at best, at worst it's making everything worse! So today I'm going to keep moving forward.

I found a Emerson VCR at a garage sale across the street, and when my son wakes up from his nap, I'm going over there and buy it. I looked it up on Ebay and they are selling around $15 to $20, and my neighbors only want $4, of course I'm going to try and get it for $3, but either way the profit is there. One thing I'm learning is that dead tech sells. By dead tech I mean outdated tech that isn't "in" right now. There is still a huge market for many of these items, and they are some of the easiest items to find cheap at garage sales and thrift stores. Here's a great little youtube channel I found, and every Monday she does a special video on what sold well that week. I suggest you subscribe and watch her videos, they really are helpful.

Suzanne A. Wells youtube channel

So as far as ebay sales go I believe I'm going to begin focusing on this little niche and see where it takes me. This leads to my next thoughts on where I'm going with my business.

Some nice sales this past couple weeks have allowed me to build my Amazon FBA items back up, and I still have more to go get. This coupled with my slight bad luck with Ebay recently has reignited my desire to switch fully to Amazon FBA. I'm going to begin focusing more of my energy and attention back into this selling venue. I've been letting the fact that it's hard and overwhelming to start in, while Ebay is relatively easy and familiar to me, to hold me back. The time has come though to suck it up and get it done! I'm never going to learn, or move forward, until I start. Often times it's those first few steps that are the hardest. Much like my children learning to walk, it's hard for them at first, but they want to do it, so they keep trying. Next thing I know, they're running! So time for me to start walking, so I can start to run :)

My plan for today is to work on my house, I know has little to do with my business, but it's a mess and it's distracting. So, I get that knocked out of the way and I free up a lot of clutter, literally and figuratively, so that I can begin working on my business. I work this weekend, so not much is going to get done, but starting Monday my children start daycare and my husband begins working. So days that I have off are going to have a few hours that I can use, without distractions to work. I can't really tell you how excited I am about this. This allows me that precious time I need to drop items off at the post office, shop and source for more items, take photos, create listings, and write for this blog and anything else I need to accomplish.

So, remember when it's tough, when everything sucks, and it feels like it's all falling apart to just keep moving forward. One step at a time, push through, and then you can start to run.

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