Saturday, May 3, 2014

Weekly Goal Setting!


    I have decided to begin posting my weekly goals on the blog. I have a couple different reasons for this, one is accountability, even though there are few readers now for the blog, I have stated my goals in a public arena. This creates that since that I HAVE to do this now, I told everybody about it! Another reason is that I am not a very organized person, and I'm a terrible procrastinator. Writing these goals down helps clarify in my mind WHAT I want to accomplish, and making them weekly goals establishes WHEN I want to accomplish them. Of course, for this to truly work I will need to make another post at the end of the week stating what may or may not have gotten done from the list, which I will begin to do as well. No better way to check your progress than to write it down, cross it off, and see what (if anything) is left.

    Okay, babbling over. Here is a quick list of my GOALS for the WEEK of 5/4 - 5/10:

  • List 10 more items on Ebay 
  • Create and ship the 1st Amazon FBA Shipment!
  • Write at least one more blog post (other than this one and the end of week update) 
  • Get ready for the garage sale Saturday
  • HAVE the garage sale Saturday!

     Now I realize that this list may seem small, and on the surface it is a little list. However, the garage sale along is going to take forever! I've already been sorting through my cra... uh, stuff for about two weeks and still have to go through my son's toys. Everything still needs to be marked, and then of course the garage sale itself is an all day affair. Really, garage sales are not my favorite weekend activity (unless I'm the one shopping for fun deals of course) but they do get rid of a lot of, er, "stuff" and can make a decent little bit of money as well. 

     The first FBA shipment should be an adventure as well. The first time you do anything always takes forever, just because it's new, and you're unsure, and careful. There's also the fact that I plan on doing some bundled products, so that is another new thing I need to learn. Honestly don't see the box making it out until later in the week, but by goodness it will be done this week. All I can think is lost money every week that I don't get started with this! If you're wondering about the bundled products, or multi pack listing, talked about earlier here are a couple Youtube videos you can watch, and a neat little podcast to help you out :)

     So, enjoy the links to some good resources and once you're done I'm going to challenge you, no not to duel sorry, but I challenge you to write down a small list of goals for the week. It can be as simple as writing down five things you want to research more, or sourcing for products, or even getting a workspace set up for yourself. The point is to get into the habit of setting goals, and striving to achieve those goals! 

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