Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Earnings & Weekly Goals

Sooooo, my last weekly goal post was May 3rd, it's the 21st........ obviously I got a wee bit behind ha! However, my reasoning for these posts still stands. I am a terrible procrastinator, obviously, and I need to learn to hold myself more accountable, to myself. I can easily hold myself accountable to work, to family, to friends, but to things that matter to me.... not so much. It's easy to push aside My stuff, for Their stuff, and I'm sure there are a lot of people that can relate to this. Not to mention that when I don't HAVE to do something, I generally tend to push it off until I do. Still, this is important, and really I do need to do this, for many various financial and personal reasons. So I will continue to push on, and maybe, in a few months to a year, I can look back through this blog and say "Hey, look at how far I managed to come!".

Okay, so last time I had a few goals. Here's a quick recap:
  • List 10 more items on Ebay 
  • Create and ship the 1st Amazon FBA Shipment!
  • Write at least one more blog post (other than this one and the end of week update) 
  • Get ready for the garage sale Saturday
  • HAVE the garage sale Saturday!
Now, did I get them all done? Sadly, no, especially since I really had 2 and half weeks to do these. However, I did do a lot. Here's what I have done the last two weeks:

  1. Had the garage sale - made $113
  2. Finished my semester in school!
  3. Listed 6 items on Ebay the first week
  4. Listed 4 more items the next
  5. Have photos for more items to list, as well a few more items to photo to sell on Ebay
You may notice that #2 was not on my original to do list, and that was an oversight on my part. I should've had that in there, because it was a major reason the other items didn't get done in a week. The garage sale and final projects sucked away my time like little leeches that first week and a half! Then, I really needed a day or two to recover from finishing school LOL. I always need a couple days to recuperate from the stress of finals week. 

Then you'll notice that there are two things I did not get done at all. One was writing another blog post, obviously since this is the next one in the line. The other was my shipment to Amazon FBA :( To be fair I did all the hard work on this shipment, I bagged it, labeled it, entered it, it's just waiting to be put in a box and shipped out. So why is it still sitting in a bag? Honestly, money. It's going to be a heavy box, and even though I had a successful garage sale I had a lot of bills to pay and little money to pay them. So I made the decision to wait until my next payday to ship that box out. It always takes money to make money folks, even just the little ideas. Enough about that though, what are my next goals........

Week 5/21 - 5/31 Goals
  • Ship out my Amazon FBA box
  • Start another FBA box
  • Write two blog posts
  • List  10 more items on Ebay
  • Take more pictures!!!

Again, not a huge list to look at, but everyone of those items will take a bit of time, so I feel it's a fair list for now. I'm sure you noticed my "week" is actually 10 days, but I figured why mess up the timeline since I'm writing this on a Tuesday, so I went until next Sunday. I also added in the pictures thing because I keep forgetting to take photos of what I'm doing to load into these blog posts and break up the word monotony, so that is a definite goal for me! Plus, I know photos are helpful to many.

One last things, in case you're wondering how I did with my Ebay listings, the original 6 here's a quick breakdown. 
Sold 5 items for a total of $72
Paid - $23 in S&H
Total Profit - $49

All items were from my home and cost me nothing personally. I'm keeping my small profit for shipping on newly listed items, and to source more items to sell. There you go guys, my weekly (10 day) goals, what are yours? Jot them down real fast, put them somewhere you can see them regularly, and do your best to mark those items off and make that $20 a day!

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