Friday, August 8, 2014

Tips For A Better Garage Sale

Garage sales are a great way to make a little extra cash and clean out your house at the same time. Like most things however, there is a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it. The first couple garage sales I ever had I didn't really have a clue what I was doing, and it showed by how much stuff I actually managed to sell. I've gotten better every year since, and I'd like to share some of the tips and tricks with you so you don't have to go through the trial and error stage.

  • Have A LOT of Signs - Make sure they are clear and readable as well. The ones that allow you to write your address and have an arrow are the best. These can be homemade, or you can buy some in the store. I purchased 4 last year for $3.99 each, and I just reuse them every time.
  • Use Smart Sign Placement - Make sure your signs are on busy street corners, and optimally placed to funnel the most people to your sale. A lot of garage sale goers are impulse people that see a sign and decide to stop.
  • Have A LOT of Stuff - The more stuff people see the more likely they are to stop. If you don't feel like you have enough talk to a friend or family member(s) about doing one together. I often do one with my good friend or my Mother In Law. 
  • Have A Neighborhood/Block Sale - See if you can get a few of the neighbors to join in. That way when you advertise you can put that in there. It will lure a lot more people to walk around and check out all the sales. 
  • Be Outside & Be Friendly - People look to see if there is anyone around, and if they see no one they may not stop. When they do stop be sure to be friendly. Say hi, make small talk, ask if they need any help, or if they're looking for something. There's a reason stores do this, it makes people more likely to buy.
  • Have Your Prices Clearly Marked - People will often put an item back that has no price rather than ask how much. It may be a pain, but make sure every little thing has a price.
  • Keep Your Prices Reasonable - People expect low prices at a garage sale. If you have an item that you feel should get you more money, advertise on Craigslist, or selling groups on Facebook. The chances of it selling at a garage sale are slim.
  • Keep Your Money On You - Invest in a fanny pack, or something similar. I know they're not very cool, but if your money is on you then it can't be stolen. Or, if you are having one with a friend make sure that one person stays with the money at all times.
  • Placement is Key - Make sure that you don't pile things together. People are lazy, and they are not going to dig through your stuff. Do the work if you want to get paid. Place large, eye catching items out front, and the smalls in the back. The big stuff gets people to stop, and once they do they'll look around.
Since I started doing a lot of these things myself I've doubled to tripled how much I sold and made at my garage sales. Now I enjoy having them! They are a lot of work, but when done right you can make some decent money and free up some space in your home at the same time. It feels good to walk around your home with all the newly found space you made.

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