Sunday, July 27, 2014

It's Fair Week For Me & A Challenge For You

As you can guess by the title of this post the fair is coming to town this week! My oldest boy is just this year old enough that he can go on rides all by himself, which is good since Momma get's motion sickness to much to go on rides. Of course with the fair comes the parade, the rodeo (yeah, I'm in the "country"), and a bunch more stuff. It means sno cones and funnel cakes with roasted corn, silly games, and looking at the 4H kid's animals. It also means that I'm taking a break this week!

When I came back to online selling and blogging and this entire world, I had a serious thought session on what was important to me, and what I wanted this online business to mean to me. While money is of course a high priority, it's not at the top. Family is number one, specifically being Momma. Next is being honest and true to self, with my readers, my customers and of course with myself. So, that all being said, it's important that I take this week to spend that time with my family. To watch him go on rides, take pictures, share a funnel cake, and make something even more important than money this week, memories.

Does all this mean I won't work on anything at all this week? Of course not, I've got a new ebook to read, Arbitrage by Chris Green to read (I've seen it recommended so many times I finally got it), I have one item I sourced off Ebay that arrived that I need to enter into my FBA inventory, I need to mail stuff, etc. etc. I'm just not going to set any hard goals and just go with the flow of the week.

So, why did I even bother to write a post? For a couple reasons actually. First, I wanted it out there that I didn't space off doing my goals post this week. I want it known that I am choosing to have no business goals this week. Secondly, I want to point out that knowing what you want from your business is the FIRST thing you should do. Again, I'm not talking money here. I'm talking about what YOU want, it could be to stay home with your kids, have the freedom to travel the world, be able to become debt free, heck, whatever burning desire you have. It must be important, truly important, because when the rough times come, and they will, that goal is the one that will get you through. It's your piece of driftwood in a rough ocean, just hang onto it and keep on going. Eventually things settle down, and you get through the bad weather.

Once you know that goal, then it's easier to move on to the more concrete goals. That's when you get into the nitty gritty of how much money do you want to make, how many hours can/will you spend working on it, so on and so forth. Both the personal and the business goals are vitally important to you, and both are what will help you pull ahead of the rest. So what's the challenge?

I challenge you to sit down and think. Honestly sit and evaluate, WHY do you want to do this? What is it that you want the money that you will make to do for you? Find the one goal that is the most important and write it down! Then, write down how you can accomplish that goal. If you want to take your kids to Disney World every year, and pay cash to do it, break it down. How much to go, what do you need, how will you earn the money, etc. If you want to stay home, how much do you need to earn to accomplish that? What are your bills, how about insurance, paying your own taxes, etc. It doesn't matter at this point if everything you write down is 100% accurate, just make your best educated guess and move on from there. Here you have the beginnings of your business plan.

My goal is $20 a day so I can do more things with my kids and family. Go to the zoo, the water park, take a weekend trip to a larger town for some museums and parks. Order take out pizza every once in a while when I don't feel like cooking. Little things, but it's often the little things that mean the most to us. Eventually, I would like to replace my income solely with my online endeavors, but that's a long term goal. I know my why. So now you need to find yours, and when you do you can really start planning for your future.

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