Monday, October 20, 2014

Changing My State of Mind: Why It's Important

I've mentioned before that I've been trying a lot of different ways to make money, specifically online, for the past few years. Probably around 3 at least, seriously for about 2 years. I've learned a lot during that time, about blogging, selling, buying, business, etc. I've devoured books and blog posts on these subjects and kept an ear to the ground for new opportunities all the time. Yet, I haven't actually managed to succeed the way I want to. I've had some small successes, but my ultimate goal of working for myself and being able to work from home. Maybe you've been doing the same thing, and maybe, like me, you're starting to wonder what you're doing wrong.

I mean, other people are doing these things, like blogging and selling on Ebay, and they're doing well. They've managed to succeed and accomplish their dreams, so why can't I? I know I'm not dumb, and I know that I've done the research on this stuff. So there must be an elusive something that I'm missing. These are some of the thoughts that were rattling around in my brain this past year or more. They were sucking away at my confidence and resolve, and tempting me into just quitting the whole thing and sticking with the 9 to 5 grind forever. But.......... I just couldn't ever get it out of my mind, this siren call of online marketing.

I kept checking the blogs, and reading free ebooks on my Kindle, listening to podcasts and so much more. While I still haven't realized my goals, yet, there's been shift these past few months, and it's been with my mind set. There is a sense of confidence now that I was lacking before, and a willingness to push myself, and work really hard where before I couldn't/wouldn't. So what's changed?

Nothing very much, and everything at once. All along I would read posts and such and sometimes the authors or bloggers would talk about books that inspired them. Most blogs have a resources, or must read section on their blog, that will list different books they've read and services they've used. I've read quite of few of them over the years myself, but they've always been the books that were about the business end of things. Not the mental end, and one of the biggest things I've learned this past year is having the right state of mind is crucial to, well, everything.

The honest truth is that towards the beginning of the year, starting around Spring time, I was in a terrible place. I was angry, and unhappy, and I took a lot of that out on the people around me. I felt so much bitterness, and helplessness, and just anger and sadness that I didn't recognize myself anymore. That just isn't like me, I've always been resilient, happy, easy going and ready to keep moving forward. Somewhere though, I had lost all my spunk and was just running on fumes.

Realizing that this was not good, and that this was not the kind of person I wanted to be, I turned once again to blogs and books to help me find a better state. I became interested in meditation, which I still don't do, I just can't sit still that long, but that lead into a fun ride that led to a book called Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. I've seen this book recommended o many times, by such varied people that I finally caved and bought it. Okay, the truth is that I've only read half, and to warn you there is some kind of new age stuff in this book.

Don't let that deter you though, because this book also talks a lot of habits, and thoughts. Through this book I realized that while I worked on growing my knowledge of the nuts and bolts of online businesses, I was not taking the time to learn how to be successful. I'm not talking about monetary successes, or business, I'm talking personally. I need to learn how to allow myself to fail, how to continue to push myself, and just improve myself in general. This, I think, is the elusive something that I had been missing. The fact is that my mind was never really in the right place for me to succeed at this stuff. Since reading that book I've read many others that deal a little more with the abstracts of business rather than the solid and real.

When I started writing my kindle book I decided that not only would I read books about how to sell your ebook, and start an email list, but also on good writing habits, and creating better habits. I think it's because of that fact that I focused on both the project and my own state that I managed to finish the rough draft, and I'm currently about a 1/3 of the way through Phase II. It's because of what I've learned that I've mostly been able to consistently post to this blog and keep up with it, when in the past I didn't.

Taking to the time to learn some self improvement is NOT a waste of time. When I started out I would read suggestions by people for this book or that book and when I realized it was a "lifestyle" type book, one that was more about HOW to live than how to make money; I would just stop. I kept thinking that when I was making more money I'd take the time to read those books. I couldn't see that investing in myself was even more valuable than investing in a domain name or website. So while I realize I still have a long way to go; I also realize I've come a long ways as well.

The point of all this is that you shouldn't ignore your own personal growth while pursuing your business. Learning how to grow and improve as a person is the single best investment you can make. There is a very definite state of mind that entrepreneurs need, and you ARE an entrepreneur even if you're blogging, to succeed at their goals and live their dreams. It's tough to start and build your own business, no matter the kind, and it's even tougher to keep going sometimes. Your state of mind, or attitude, or whatever you want to call it, is what will carry you through all the tough times.

I know I'm not "successful" yet, and that I'm still not working from home. Again though, I can feel the change this time. This time I feel far more confident in myself, and it's probably because I've been proving myself, to myself. I've managed to keep myself on task better, complete projects, and procrastinate less. My mood has improved and I'm less likely to become easily discouraged and not want to continue working. I'm still not perfect at these things, but I'm still working on myself to get better and better with them. Especially the procrastination/laziness thing!

So if you decide to go down this journey for yourself please don't ignore your own self improvement on the way. You ARE your business, and fail or succeed, it's all on your shoulders and decisions. The investment in yourself is one of the cheapest and easiest you can make for your business, and it can have the most profound effect on it. Don't make the mistake I did and ignore yourself thinking it's not important. It is important, just as much as all that technical stuff you need to learn about to. There are so many blogs, and great ebooks that you can read on the subject to help you. Don't waste a few years chasing your tail like me, be smart and learn from my mistakes.

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