Friday, September 19, 2014

Writing a Kindle Ebook (Part 2)

So it's been a couple weeks I think since my last post on writing a Kindle Ebook. In my last post about it (Writing A Non-Fiction Ebook Part 1) mostly I talked about some general information on publishing, pay outs, platform, etc. We also discussed a little bit about my general idea for a launch plan. Much like you write an outline before you begin writing, it was a kind of outline for getting this book written and moving on. So, since I wrote the last post I mentioned that I would love to have this published by October, Well, I doubt I'm going to make that, but I'm pushing myself as much as possible to get close to that. 

So I mentioned in my last post that I was reading an Ebook on publishing in 21 days, and following the general plan of that book. Since then I've also started reading another book by S.J. Scott called "Writing Mastery - How to Write 2,000 Words In A Day". I'll admit that I haven't finished it, I've been to busy writing! However, I read the first 1/3 of it, and plan to read the rest, and it already has helped me write more. Today we'll go over a couple of tips that helped, what I'm doing to get around my schedule handicap, and how far along I am into the book.

First thing that I took away from the book was something I knew, but had forgotten about. Write your rough draft edit free. That means you don't stop to think while you're writing. You let the words flow from your brain to your paper, or keyboard, or whatever. You continue to do this until the book is done. If you think of something you want to add, or edit down the road, go back to that section, put in a quick note to yourself, and let it go. If you want to add graphics, or pictures, or anything that's not writing related, insert a note to yourself in that spot and move on. If you misspell a word, move on. Are you catching the theme here? Just write, get it out there. It really is freeing, and after all you're not going to publish this first rough draft. 

That's why it's called a rough draft, not a final draft. Likely you'll go through at least two more edits and rewrites before you can call it a final draft, so don't worry about your mistakes. You're the only one who's going to see them. In the past I was terrible about doing this, but I decided to try my hardest this time, and you know what, it's really working. I've already wrote around 8,000+ words, and it's also helped me better format the book. Because as I've been writing I've realized that how I thought I was going to arrange it to begin with just didn't work, and there was a more natural way to do it. A quick change to my outline, a few notes to myself in previously typed chapters, and I continued on. Still, if I had been plodding along, writing a chapter, then editing it, then writing a little more, then editing it, I don't know that I would have caught the flow issue like I did. So, just get it out there, no worries on the rough draft just get it written.

Another tip that is great, but unrealistic for me, is to set aside a consistent time everyday to write. You know what, I think that's a grand idea, and if I could I would. However, I've mentioned before that I have two schedules. When I'm working, I work 12 hour shift all night, then sleep, then a small amount of time with family and cook supper, then it's off to work for another 12 hours. When I'm off I'm up all day and I sleep all night so I can be with my family, and feel like a normal person. This means there is not a single hour in the day that I can say for sure I will be up and available to write every single day. So, I'm trying something different, and so far it's working. When I can schedule the time I just write as many words as I can for as long as I can. So far this has gotten me past the 8,000 word mark, and probably around half way through my rough draft. Not to shabby considering. Still, if you can do it, the way of scheduling a time and writing a certain amount everyday really is the best way to do it.

Despite my lovely schedule I'm about halfway through my rough draft as I mentioned. Each time I've sat down to write I've managed to do at least one chapter if not two. The rough draft will go the fastest since I'm not editing or stopping, but hopefully I'll have it completed within the next two weeks, if not sooner. That leaves me about half a week in October, so I'm not likely to make my early October launch date with this, but mid-October is doable I think. I figure two more weeks for editing after the initial rough draft, and a day or two for converting it to Kindle and make it live (hopefully it won't take that long, but it'll be my first time so it'll take longer than usual I'm sure). So, mid October is realistic. 

When I get to the editing stage I will take small 2 or 3 day breaks in between editing. This allows you to go back to your work with clear eyes to spot mistakes. Often if we read something we just wrote we miss mistakes because we "know" what we were typing and automatically fill it in. So, be sure to step away for at least a day or two before you begin to edit. I plan to spend this time further researching and learning about Kindle publishing of course. I found a book about copy writing that I would like to read, and I also have another Steve Scott ebook that is about selling more Kindle non-fiction books. A good way to spend my "off" time I think.

So, that's pretty much it for now. Nothing to glamorous, just focusing on writing right now. Really, that is where the focus should be too. A book isn't a book without words, and this rough draft is all that matters right now. It is the cornerstone of the polished little ebook I hope to put out, and as such it's getting the attention it deserves. If you're starting your own book try to remember to just write that rough draft without editing, schedule time to write everyday (or almost everyday), don't let stuff get in your way and find a way to get around it. If you want to read the book I mentioned above it's a good read so far, and I can't imagine it gets worse! It does have a 4 1/2 stars out of five rating, so it must stay good. In fact, I'll list all the books I've read or am reading currently for you, maybe you'll find one or two helpful yourself. Plus, if you have Kindle Unlimited everyone of these books is eligible for free download :)

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