Saturday, July 19, 2014

How to List An Item On Bonanza

Alright, so I'm working on listing my five items for Bonanza, and while I'm doing it I thought I would go through how their listing system works. I'll also compare it to Ebay's as there are some things I feel the streamlined a little better, and some things I don't like as much.

Before you can list an item for sale, or begin to build our "booth" as they call it, you must create an account with Bonanza. It's a pretty easy step, and free to boot. However, when you create our booth, you will need a credit/debit card to activate it. As I've mentioned before there is no upfront fees, such as a listing fee or anything, only a final value fee taken when the item is sold. It's more a precautionary measure on their part, that if a person doesn't pay their fees they have their card information to collect their portion if needed. Ebay does much the same thing with PayPal account, so it doesn't personally bother me much at all.

        * Tip - If you make your PayPal account a business account you can apply for a debit card that is attached to your account. I suggest this strongly if you are going to be regularly selling on Ebay, plus you could use that card to link to your Bonanza account if you are uncomfortable using your personal checking account. 

Listing an Item For Sale

  • In the upper left hand corner of the page you will see Sell on Bonanza, if you hover over that with your cursor a menu will drop down, choose Add or Edit Item if you are listing a new item. You can also Import your listings from Amazon and Ebay, manage your inventory and more from here.
  • Next you'll click on the Add Item button, it's large, square and has a big + in the middle :)
  • The next page is pretty straightforward. You do your entire listing on this one page, instead of multiple pages like Ebay. Enter your product Title, add photos, choose your items category OR let the "guess" for you with the click of a button, describe your product, enter product quantity, price and shipping charges. 
  • Once you are finished entering all the information just click the big green List Your Item button at the bottom and you are done. 

It really is quite simple, and I dare say it's a bit simpler than Ebay even. For one thing you stay on one page the entire time to complete your entire listing, whereas with Ebay you go through multiple pages before you are done. Not that it's a huge inconvenience, but if you have a slower computer (like mine) it is an extra time suck waiting on the pages to load. I also really like that if you have multiples of an item, say you really liked blue polos, and had three of the exact same shirt (or whatever) you could make one listing, but say that you had 3 available. 

I also like, and dislike the Booth part of selling on their site. I like that it's like  store, and buyers can come browse all my products and prices at once. I feel that this encourages a buyer to make multiple purchases rather than just one. The feel of the store is similar to Etsy, with the layout of the page to you writing in your "booths" policies and such. What I don't like about all this, is that this isn't really an auction site. You set a price for your item, and then you can check a box that says that the price is "negotiable" which of course mean it's going to go down. No one negotiates the price higher, so we know it means down. A lot of times I like to list my items somewhere in the middle of what they've sold for and what they are currently listed against, using an auction format. This way I know I'm going to make money, but the potential for a larger profit through a bidding war is possible. That's just not how you do it on Bonanza though, and it will take some adjusting on my part. 

So far I've listed a few products, and I do find the listing process itself very easy and user friendly. The site itself however is still a bit of a mystery to me. It seems to be hard to find much information, which I never like with a website, and there is no community forum for buyers/sellers to communicate with one another and help each other out. I still haven't committed fully to using them, but I do need to make myself more comfortable with the rest of the site so that I can accurately decide yay or nay on them. Not to mention write some more blog posts about their service as I couldn't find many when I was looking just a few weeks earlier. 

If you've sold, or tried to sell on Bonanza and would like to leave a comment and let me know what you thought/think about it!

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