Saturday, February 2, 2013

2nd Job & Ebay

So, it's been awhile since I've been on here. Mostly, I've been thinking, and re-collecting my thoughts. I also finished a semester in school (FINALS!), had a small break, and now I'm in FIVE classes. Since my last post, I've put more thought into what finding $20 a day means to me now, and what it could mean down the road.

First decision I made was to cut back on the DS business, and refocus my efforts on a steady paycheck instead. Yes, direct selling was fun, yes I loved and still love the product I sold, and yes the interest from people is still there. My problem was that my family needed at least $300 a month, for sure, to make the budget even. Unfortunately, selling is an iffy business, and I'm not the best at it. Combine that with 1 terrible party, 2 cancellations, and only 1 successful party (made $70) in a month......... and I had to come to a decision. I decided to apply for a part time job at a gas station that I go to pretty much every day. They have the best fountain drinks in town! I know all the girls that work there, some for about 5 years, I get along with them all, and I knew the job wouldn't demand as much from me physically. Long story short, I applied, got the job, and now work an extra 12+ hours a week, for about $170 every two weeks.

Alright, that's halfway to my $20 a day, or $600 a month. The problem is this a short term solution at best. I can not, and frankly will not, be able to maintain this for more than a year tops. The time I'm losing with my son breaks my heart. The fact that he is home with his father (our mutually agreed on decision) is the only thing that makes this tolerable. Well, that and the fact that it's actually a change for me. It's different than my other job, the hours aren't bad, and I like meeting people.

Next phase? Well, more thought, and experimenting has gone into this as well. Since I started this blog I have tried selling things around the house that we don't need/want/use. I've done this a few different ways, Facebook buy/sell/trade groups, garage sales, and Ebay. By far the easiest, and best selling venue has been Ebay. I read about selling on Ebay a few years ago, and actually got so intimated by what I read that I turned away from it before I even tried it. MISTAKE! Now, I'm not saying I'm going to get rich of this, at least not right away ;) but I have been able to sell around $150 worth of cr.... er stuff from around my home. It's a win win, I don't want or need this stuff anymore, someone else does, they buy it, and I get back some of the money I put into it. By far the hardest thing to "get right" when you start out selling Ebay is the shipping costs!

Okay, so this phase is done. Selling off stuff I already had. So now I will move on the next stage of this Ebay stuff. Purposefully buying and selling stuff. My decision has been to start with clothes, kids, womens, mens, I don't care. As long as it's:

1. Name brand
2. Popular style
3. Good shape

So that's the main direction this blog will begin to take. I want to chronicle what I'm doing so that I can look back and see what I did right, and what I did wrong. Hopefully, eventually, others will find this blog, and it will help them (you!) as well. Now, this will not be the only thing I talk about in terms of making money on here. Maybe I'll talk about saving money, or other ways to make money, or hey! maybe I'll just vent on here some day ;)

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