Saturday, November 17, 2012

Finding $20 A Day: The Start

Okay, so what is "Finding $20 A day"? Well, I'm working on it!

Here's the back story. My husband and I are struggling right now, like hundreds of thousands of other families, so of course M-O-N-E-Y is on my mind...... a lot! So, yesterday, we were broke. I needed to get a few things at the grocery store, and some other items. We are broke, because the battery in our truck went out last week, and we bought another one for $85. And that was the cheapest one! So, this week I realize, hmmmm I forgot to take the old battery back to get our $12 core charge back. Then I think, hmmmmm, the piggy bank looks promising, I'll go cash that in as well. After heading into both places, parts store and bank, which are right next to each other, I walk away with $21 in my pocket.

I know some people are thinking, $21 big freaking deal, well for us it IS a big freaking deal. That's enough money for a couple days, or two things of milk and a pack of diapers, or enough gas to drive out of town for a job interview, or, well, you get the idea.

Back to the story, as I'm walking across the street to my truck with my little boys hand in mine, I feel the nice lump that money is making in my pocket. I think to myself "Gee, wouldn't it be nice if I could make $20 everyday?"


I am intrigued and excited about this idea. If I figure out how to do this it could mean an extra $600 a month back into our families budget. How huge is that! Pretty huge for us anyways ;) Somehow telling myself to try and find $20 a day, sounds sooooo much easier than, make an extra $600 this month! I've been reading a lot of business, selling, financial, blah blah blah stuff lately, and they all agree that breaking your goals into smaller more attainable "steps" makes it easier for you to reach that goal. I suppose that by calling it "$20 a day" seems easier on my poor mind and body than the big picture.

Of course, I don't think it's going to be easy, or even that I will really start at $20 a day. Here's what I do know though, if I never try it will bug the heck out of me forever! First though I need to do some thinking on 1. How will I do this. 2. What am I willing to put out in terms of time and effort 3.A bunch more Questions that will pop up as I go along.

So, try I will. I may start with the more attainable :/ I hope :/ goal of $5 a day and work from there. After all, it's not everyday I have a battery to take back, and change to cash in. ;)

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